4 Best Areas For Dubai Holiday Home Investments In 2022
Without a doubt, it’s hard to resist Dubai’s allure as the year-round holiday destination of choice. After all, when you think of the word ‘holiday’, one of the first things that spring to mind is relaxing by a pristine beach surrounded by stunning, panoramic views, with modern marvels waiting just around the corner – all […]
Why European Investors Are Looking Into Dubai’s Real Estate
Dubai has always retained a unique luster and appeal to investors worldwide. After all, the city is known to be a global and regional business hub, which is why European investors, in particular, have been eyeing up the Dubai real estate market more than ever before. Interestingly enough, as per data from the Dubai Land […]
5 Reasons Why 90% Of Millionaires Invest In Real Estate
Do you know what 90% of millionaires have in common? Well, as billionaire Andrew Carnegie once famously stated, their biggest source of wealth creation lies in real estate investments! So, if building wealth has been on your mind, you might be wondering how to make your fortune just like the millionaires do. Now, the great […]
The Smart Woman’s Guide To Building Wealth
Times have changed considerably, as financial freedom is just as important a goal to women as it is to men! With women stepping out of stereotypical roles to venture into male-dominated professional spaces, they are accumulating personal wealth now more than ever. But, truth be told, women still face many challenges in the financial world. […]
How Will Russia-Ukraine Conflict Impact Markets?
We’re all most definitely aware that Russia and Ukraine have been embroiled in a war. This eruption is the biggest military conflict in Europe since World War II, taking many investors by surprise as tensions creep into the still-recovering global economy. Here’s an overview of what’s happening, the effect on the global market, and what […]
3 Reasons To Invest In The UK Property Market – 2022
Choosing to invest in an international property may seem daunting at first. Even if you have invested in multiple properties before, there’s still an ocean of investment opportunities elsewhere that may very well be outside your comfort zone. But, as more investors recognize the value of a well-diversified portfolio, investing in international property is definitely […]