Accomplishing Missions | A SmartCrowd Journey

A passionate real estate investor, along being with a riveting worker who partners with us to create operational excellence, Abu Obeida shares his personal journey of growing with SmartCrowd. What was the most satisfying part of running our Airbnb business for the last two years? Well, between work meetings, sitting on a couch, and watching […]
Debunking Pandemic Myths: Is Property Investing The Right Thing To Do Now?
Let’s not beat around the bush, the world economy has taken a hammering over the last month and a half due to the coronavirus pandemic. But to say that the real estate market in Dubai has plummeted as a result of the pandemic would be remiss; and frankly, misleading. Today’s post isn’t about the pandemic, or discussing the latest buzz word, the “new normal” (well, not directly anyway). In this post, we’re going to […]
Economic crisis- What do you need to consider
To seasoned investors, an economic crisis is not a time to panic, since these have occurred quite commonly over the years. These investors have understood the value of diversifying their investment portfolio after surviving a previous market crashes to get into a more comfortable, low-risk zone finally. However, since the announcement of COVID-19 becoming a […]
Real Estate Returns in Dubai
Real estate is typically a long-term investment in one’s portfolio that provides protection against asymmetric economic shocks, mainly due to its ability to generate regular rental income. The longer you hold it, the more returns you make. For any asset class, it’s difficult to time the market. Let’s be honest, it’s always easier to invest […]
Why The Rich Keep Getting Richer
Access! There is an old saying, “You need money to make money”. This saying can be translated to “The more money you have, the more money you make”. Which is not something you often think about but you notice to be true when you read it. You see, the way everything works is skewed like […]
MENA’s #1 Property Crowdfunding Platform: SmartCrowd’s Achievements
We’re not doing this for the accolades or the recognition…but, we’d be lying if we said it didn’t feel good to come this far and look-back on some of our successes over the past 24 months. We’ve been featured in the media, in print, online and the radio with notable brands such as Arabian Business, […]