In A Market Full Of Madness, What’s Your Safest Bet?

“Oh no, the market is crashing! Sell everything and get your money out ASAP!“ We bet you’ve been hearing this everywhere you go lately! Truth be told, that’s how novice investors would be thinking right now. Due to an overwhelming volume of information pumped out across news outlets and social media platforms, we are currently […]
How SmartCrowd Analyzes Property Investments
As I mentioned in the last post, we have one overarching principle at the firm: “Do things with sincerity and success will follow.” In light of this, I want to explain how we at SmartCrowd evaluate and analyze property investments for our users. We have a very stringent process in place and always use objectivity […]
A Letter To All Our Members
We are experiencing unprecedented times. For far too long I’ve been vocal about the fact that theglobal financial system is broken, favouring those who have already amassed alot of wealth. With what’s ensuing, the reality is that the income inequalitygap is widening, and the average person is getting left behind. So much so, themiddle-class (the […]